Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2017
Träume werden Realität für DreamChaser
Mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen vom Krankenlager:

Es sah schon so aus, als ob das Mini-Shuttle DreamChaser nicht zum Einsatz kommt, doch neuere Entwicklungen lassen Träume wahr werden.

Siehe hier.

Darin möchte ich die Einsätze für die UNO hervorheben, die im Artikel beschrieben werden:

Moreover, the Dream Chaser design also caught the eye of the United Nations, which has selected Dream Chaser to perform the first UN space mission in 2021.

Specifically, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) recognized Dream Chaser’s ability – through the UN system – to provide member nations that do not have access to space or space programs of their own to tap into the LEO microgravity research environment/market.

The goal of the first-of-its-kind mission is to allow United Nations member states to conduct research that cannot be done on Earth.

The planned 2021 flagship mission will be an uncrewed flight of the Dream Chaser cargo craft, is expected to last at least two weeks, and will not rendezvous with the International Space Station – making it the first independent microgravity research flight since the 2003 flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia on STS-107.

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