Mittwoch, 23. März 2011
Journal of Cosmology: Cyber Attacke auf Hoovers Paper
Eine sehr aufschlussreiche Erklärung hat das JoC zur Entdeckung von Hoover bzgl. Alien-Mikroben in Meteoriten abgegeben. Das Paper kann nicht mehr verlinkt werden, da es per Cyber Attacke sabotiert wird. So werden eben missliebige Meinungen und Forschungsergebnisse bekämpft:

The Hoover Paper and Figures Are Under Cyber Attack

"Robots" have linked to the Hoover Article and the Figures which are being downloaded so often our bandwidth capacity is continually being exceeded, which has put the Journal of Cosmology website repeatedly at risk for being shut down.

We regret we are temporarily unable to host the Hoover article and figures because of this ongoing cyber attack.

The Hoover paper, commentaries, and related chapters also detailing evidence of alien extraterrestrial life, have been bound in an inexpensive book "The Discovery of Alien ExtraTerrestrial life" , and which includes Hoover's discovery and landmark paper, and the discoveries of other independent scientists.

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