Freitag, 10. Januar 2014
Berührungslose Einwirkung durch Meditation nachgewiesen
Japanischen Wissenschaftlern ist es in Experimenten gelungen, eine signifikante Einwirkung auf biologische Proben nachzuweisen, wobei es keine physische Verbindung gab, sondern ausschließlich die Anwesenheit einer meditierenden Person den Unterschied ausmachte.

Veröffentlicht wurden die Ergebnisse im International Journal of Physical Sciences.


Meditator’s non-contact effect on cucumbers

We clearly show the existence of an example of non-contact effect in which the “presence” of a meditator affects bio-samples without physical contact. This is the first report in the world to show this type of effect by scientific measurements. We used edible cucumber slices as bio-sensors and measured the concentrations of gas emitted from the slices by a technique developed by our group. The concentrations of gas emitted from cucumber slices were measured for a total of 672 sample petri dishes; each dish contained four cucumber slices so that a statistically meaningful comparison could be made. We found a statistically significant difference (p=3.13×10-10, t-test, two-tails) in the concentrations of emitted gas between the “presence” and the “absence” of the meditator. Our experimental results clearly indicated that there was a scientifically measurable effect on biological objects with which the meditator had no direct physical contact.

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