Freitag, 27. Januar 2012
Radikal neue Theorie zur Lebensentstehung!!!
Wie sciencedaily meldet, wurde nun eine radikal neue Theorie zur Entstehung des Lebens bekannt, die eine ganzheitliche Sicht liefert. Ferner wurde eine bislang unbekannte Struktur in der RNA entdeckt. Die Theorie vereint auch Quantenphysik und Biologie und bedeutet einen Paradigmenwechsel bezüglich unseres bisherigen Verständnisses, was Leben eigentlich ist. Die neuen Ergebnisse wurden einem peer review Verfahren unterzogen und in einem entsprechenden Journal veröffentlicht. Habe über dem Autor Erik Andrulis gegoogelt und gesehen, dass er schon viele wissenschaftliche anerkannte Beiträge geliefert hat, die auch zu seiner neuen Abhandlung passen. Biologen können aber besser beurteilen, was an der neuen Theorie dran ist.

Zum sciencedaily - Artikel geht es hier.


The basic idea of Dr. Andrulis' framework is that all physical reality can be modeled by a single geometric entity with life-like characteristics: the gyre. The so-called "gyromodel" depicts objects -- particles, atoms, chemicals, molecules, and cells -- as quantized packets of energy and matter that cycle between excited and ground states around a singularity, the gyromodel's center. A singularity is itself modeled as a gyre, wholly compatible with the thermodynamic and fractal nature of life. An example of this nested, self-similar organization is the Russian Matryoshka doll.

By fitting the gyromodel to facts accumulated over scientific history, Dr. Andrulis confirms the proposed existence of eight laws of nature. One of these, the natural law of unity, decrees that the living cell and any part of the visible universe are irreducible. This law formally establishes that there is one physical reality.

Another natural law dictates that the atomic and cosmic realms abide by identical organizational constraints. Simply put, atoms in the human body and solar systems in the universe move and behave in the exact same manner.

"Modern science lacks a unifying, interdisciplinary theory of life. In other words, current theories are unable to explain why life is the way it is and not any other way," Dr. Andrulis says. "This general paradigm furnishes a fresh perspective on the character and meaning of life, offers solutions to protracted problems, and strives to end divisive debates."

One debate swirls around the scientific merit of James Lovelock's popular Gaia hypothesis. By showing that Earth is theoretically synonymous with life, Dr. Andrulis' paradigm substantiates the Gaian premise that all organisms and their surroundings on earth are closely integrated to form a single self-regulating complex system.

Another legendary quarrel is that between biblical creationists and neo-Darwinian evolutionists. In demonstrating that the origin and evolution of life is a consequence of natural laws and physical forces, this theory synthesizes arguments and dispels assumptions from both sides of the creation-evolution debate.

To test his paradigm, Dr. Andrulis designed bidirectional flow diagrams that both depict and predict the dynamics of energy and matter. While such diagrams may be foreign to some scientists, they are standard reaction notation to chemists, biochemists, and biologists.

Dr. Andrulis has used his theory to successfully predict and identify a hidden signature of RNA biogenesis in his laboratory at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He is now applying the gyromodel to unify and explain the evolution and development of human beings.

Ich denke, man sollte darauf ein besonderes Augenmerk richten.

Die originale Abhandlung von Dr. Andrulis als freien pdf-Download hier!

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